Course #210

Analyzing and Recasting Financial Statements


Ever faced an income statement that shows little or no profits, yet the company is profitable? This two-day course focuses on recasting financial statements to maximize company earnings while minimizing liability. Learn how to find and support increased earnings in a client’s business. Registrants for this course must have scored a 70% or higher on Course #210 Pretest.

Prerequisite Knowledge

To understand financial statement recasting, you must have a basic knowledge of:

  • Business decision-making
  • Business brokerage
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Finance
  • Business law
  • Financial statements and definitions of line items

Note: Registrant is not eligible to enroll in Course #210 until the registrant has scored a 70% or greater on Course #210 pretest. Please contact the IBBA headquarters for eligibility. To take the Course #210 pretest, click here.

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