Carol L. Bennett, Broker DRE #01186310
Carol L Bennett, Broker, DRE 01186310, has over 20 years in real estate in Southern California, which includes residential real estate, new home sales, and property management. In the last 7 years, she has been a business broker in Kern County. Her sales have included restaurants (with ABC licenses), flower shops, retail, grocery, crematory/mortuary, party rental & venue, diesel repair, trailer manufacturing, plumbing, bike shop & repair, beauty salon, and construction, etc. She has also sold commercial real estate and has negotiated new leases for new business owners.
Carol is a Member of CAR, IBBA, and CABB. She is a Realtor through CAR, has a CBB designation with CABB, and a CMSBB through Sunbelt University. She received her bachelor’s degree in business management at the University of Phoenix.