CABB offers Affiliate Membership to professional advisors and companies that provide products and services to the overall Business Brokerage community; such as Attorneys, Accountants, Escrow Companies, Wealth Managers and Listing Service Companies.

Through participation in CABB, affiliates can take advantage of many opportunities for networking, education, and marketing for business growth and expansion.

As a Corporate Affiliate member, you receive free membership for up to 3 employees. Once your application is processed, CABB staff will follow up with you to confirm your list of employees, add them to our database and send them their membership login information. 

All CABB memberships run on a calendar year (January 1st thru December 31st). If you choose to Auto-Renew your membership your credit card will automatically renew in December between 15th - 31st, for the following membership year.

Corporate Affiliate Membership

CABB offers Affiliate Membership to professional advisors and companies that provide products and services to the overall Business Brokerage community. Corporate Affiliate members receive up to 3 individual affiliate memberships, personalized listings on the CABB website, access to the membership listserv, discounts on CABB events as well as opportunities for direct networking with the most productive brokers in the industry. Additional $150/person over 3

Total Amount
New Member | Corporate Primary - Company Details
Please tell us about this business and how it may serve the CABB members
New Member | Corporate Primary
Email of primary contact at company
Click here to read CABB's Terms of Service.


  1. I have received, read and, if approved for membership, agree to abide by the By-Laws and Code of Ethics of the California Association of Business Brokers and all future amendments thereto.
  2. I authorize the membership committee to verify the information herein.
  3. I understand the described herein will pay my dues through December 31, 2024. Next year's dues will be due by January 31, 2025. Annual dues are determined by the CABB Board of Directors.
  4. I understand that membership in CABB is on an individual basis rather than a brokerage basis.