Northern California - September 28 - 29, 2023
at Hilton Oakland Airport 

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2023 Annual Meeting - Welcome


It's crucial to engage with the conversations shaping today's transactions in California. Join your fellow business brokers, intermediaries, and industry professionals at the CABB Annual Conference on September 28-29, 2023 to LEARN GROW CONNECT.

This CABB event delivers relevant education, key topic discussions and networking opportunities for you to collaborate face-to-face with others deeply invested in the industry.

Click through the links on this page to learn more, and REGISTER HERE

Event Photos

Photos from this year's CABB Annual Conference

Event Photos

Our 2024 Annual Conference was a huge success!

photo1 Photo 2 



Click here to view all photos from this event 

Become a Sponsor / Exhibitor

2023 Annual Meeting - Become a Sponsor / Exhibitor

Become a Sponsor / Exhibitor

Thank you for your interest in exhibiting at the 2023 CABB Annual Conference! Unfortunately, we have sold out of exhibitor space for this year! If you are interested in being placed on our contact list for the 2024 Conference in Newport Beach, please contact the CABB offices at

Thank you!

The Annual Conference Committee & CABB Staff


2023 Annual Meeting - Schedule

Thursday, September 28, 2023
Registration Opens
International Ballroom Foyer
11:00am - 7:00pm
Headshots Booth
Randall Van Ornam
International Ballroom Foyer

Please visit our photographer Randall in the Foyer to receive a new headshot, complimentary of CABB and Secured Trust Escrow

11:00am - 1:00pm
Welcome Reception: Sponsor & Exhibitor Tables Open
International Ballroom
1:00pm - 1:15pm
Welcome to the 2023 CABB Conference
Conference Co-Chairs, Greg Michail & Randy Katz
International Ballroom
1:15pm - 1:25pm
Keynote Sponsor
Live Oak Bank
1:25pm - 2:25pm
KEYNOTE: Sell My "Baby": Earning Trust With Entrepreneurs to Earn Their Business
Dan Gramann, Co-Founder, Cultivate Advisors
International Ballroom

1) How we grew our practice to advising over 1000 entrepreneurs annually
2) How you can shift your mindset and approach to earning trust with entrepreneurs
3) Three of the Most Important Methods To Growing Your Book of Business

2:25pm - 2:35pm
Break - Visit Our Sponsor & Exhibitor Tables
International Ballroom
2:35pm - 2:40pm
Lunch Sponsor
Plumas Bank
2:40pm - 3:40pm
Best Practices When Working with Legal Counsel
Scott Williams, J.D., M.B.A.
International Ballroom

Your client has an unconditional right to legal counsel in selling or purchasing a business.  Will this be a team effort or an uncoordinated mess?  In this insightful session, Scott will discuss best practices for helping clients select the right legal counsel, working with them to get the deal done, and avoiding some of the pitfalls that can send the deal sideways. Learn some of the ins and outs of custom-drafted, complex agreements (with their lengthy exhibits and schedules) that your clients will expect you to be familiar with.

3:40pm - 4:00pm
Break - Visit Our Sponsor & Exhibitor Tables
International Ballroom
4:00pm - 4:05pm
Cocktail Reception Sponsor
City National Bank
4:00pm - 5:30pm
Ask The Attorneys
Thomas Georgianna, Boyd Law | Romin Thomson, Sweeney Mason LLP | William F. Ziprick, The Business Law Firm of William F. Ziprick
International Ballroom

Three experienced “deal friendly” legal counsel lead an interactive session covering a wide range of legal topics relating to California Business Brokers and their deals. Gain insights and perspectives, while also learning ways to avoid the ever-present potential land minds and challenges which often lie hidden in the transaction landscape. The attorneys will also discuss “war stories” to illustrate “do’s” and “don’ts” for a Broker as you work toward a successful closing. A major focus of the session will be the attorneys addressing your questions and concerns, so be sure to bring your tough questions for the chance to ask the attorneys!

5:30pm - 7:00pm
Cocktail Reception
International Ballroom & Foyer

Find your drink tickets in the back of your name badge and enjoy some appetizers while you mingle with your fellow brokers and visit our exhibitors.

Friday, September 29, 2023
7:00am - 8:00am
Breakfast - Sponsor & Exhibitor Booths Open
International Ballroom
7:50am - 8:00am
Welcome Back
Greg Michail
International Ballroom
8:00am - 8:05am
WiFi Sponsor
The Small Business Law Firm
International Ballroom
8:05am - 9:35am
Control the Deal: Sell More Businesses and Protect Yourself
Len Krick, MBA
International Ballroom

How do some business brokers seem to sell more of their listings, a lot more money than other business brokers, and never get sued? I will identify seven of the most common attributes of these successful brokers and focus on their ability to multitask. Mastering this skill is essential to ensure that none of the balls you are juggling hits the ground, even if it doesn’t come naturally to you. We will discuss methods used to organize each deal, track the transaction progress, and increase efficiency by controlling the deal with a master checklist. This will be available as an Excel file, to use on each of your transactions. This is a tool I should have developed when I was actively selling businesses…  I would have made more money.

9:35am - 10:00am
Break - Visit Our Exhibitor Tables & enjoy a light snack
International Ballroom
10:00am - 11:05am
Broker Workshops 1
Fountain Room | Pacific Room | California Room

Workshop 1A - Fountain Room
Leveraging Lenders to Close Your Deals
Sponsored By: The Law Offices of William F. Ziprick

Panelist Discussion
Robert Porter, Plumas Bank | Marie Askew, Live Oak Bank | Louis Lane, US Bank | Scott Cisneros, City National Bank | Steve Colburn, Umpqua Bank

Do you have unanswered questions about SBA financing? Do you want to know how to qualify for an SBA loan? Join us for a panel discussion where you can get answers straight from the experts! A panel of top lending experts from the California market will answer questions about what lenders are looking for in a loan package, provide tips for getting your deal both approved and funded, as well as discuss the groundbreaking SBA rules that came about earlier this year. You won’t want to miss this star-studded panel moderated by former CABB board member and current Senior Vice President at Plumas Bank, Kelley Cheney. 

Workshop 1B - Pacific Room
Benefits of Professional Networking

Sponsored By: Umpqua Bank

Kelli C. Holmes, CEO & Founder of Team Referral Network

NETWORK          LEVERAGE          GROW

Using the “Networking Wheel of Success” learn how to:
•    Evaluate your Networking Environments 
•    Develop a Commercial Strategy
•    Power Partners - an Endless Source of Referrals
•    Build the Right Relationships through Coaching Sessions
•    Tracking Your Success

Workshop 1C -  California Room
How to utilize Brokerworks tools to streamline your: marketing/ad copy, valuations, buyer NDAs, etc

Sponsored By: Huntington National Bank

Jennifer von Lindern, BizBuySell

11:05am - 11:15am
Break - Visit Our Exhibitor Tables & Transition to your next Workshop
11:15am - 12:20pm
Broker Workshops 2
Fountain Room | Pacific Room | California Room

Workshop 2A - Fountain Room
Deals involving licensing (ABC and Contractor’s Licenses)

Sponsored By: ClientsIO

Steve Zimmerman, LCBB, CBI, M&AMI, FIBBA, Restaurant Realty Company
Jamie Cohen, Contractors License Experts LLC

Do you end up in deals that require special licenses? Learn how to deal with various state agencies and how it can impact your deal.  Three brokers will each discuss the agencies they deal with the most and help you understand the costs, timelines, logistics, and companies you can hire to help you through the process.  Suppose you’re involved with deals that involve alcohol licenses with the ABC and contractors licenses with the Contractors State Licensing Board (CSLB).

Workshop 2B - Pacific Room
Business Planning 101

Sponsored By: CIBC

Len Krick, MBA, CBI, M&AMI - President and Principal Broker at Sunbelt Business Brokers of Las Vegas, Inc.

Workshop 2C - California Room
Legito Tips & Tricks for Form Creation and Management

Sponsored By: GlenOaks Escrow

Tawnya Gilreath, JD, CM&AP, CExP, CBI, CABB Forms Committee Chair
LA Business Pros / eXp Commercial

Come learn how to get the most out of CABB’s newest member benefit, Legito.  This software tool makes filling out CABB forms a breeze.  No more inputting the same information into form after form.  Now you can add information once and have it populate across any form you need in your transaction.  Additionally, the tool allows you to input deal data into a template that populates your form to ensure you fill everything out correctly.  Come ready to see the software in action and learn how it works, or to ask questions if you’ve already started using it and are having any complications. 

12:30pm - 2:05pm
Lunch - President's Message, Awards & Acknowledgements & Raffle
Rick Rayl, Greg Michail, Matt Coletta
International Ballroom
12:50pm - 12:55pm
Headshots Sponsor
Secured Trust Escrow
Internation Ballroom
2:10pm - 3:40pm
Year 2023 – Key Topics and Trends (Tax Deferral Strategies, Employee Retention Credit, ROBS Compliance Issues, Tax Changes, and Much More)
Monty Walker, CPA | Business Advisory Services
International Ballroom

Tax deferral, reduction and elimination strategies.  We’ll review some that work, some that don’t and some that are nothing but a Whole Lotta Ugly. ROBS structures are used by Buyers to provide capital. We will go over some important ROBS compliance issues that will lead to Prohibited Transactions. Can claiming  Employee Retention Credits be problematic for a business transaction? Let’s find out. Do you want some transaction structuring ideas? The structuring of a real transaction will be covered. This presentation will be fast-paced and full of vital deal-impacting information.

2:05pm - 2:10pm
Welcome Reception Sponsor
US Bank
International Ballroom
3:40pm - 3:50pm
Conference Wrap Up
Conference Co-Chairs, Greg Michail & Randy Katz
Our Sponsors / Exhibitors

2023 Annual Meeting - Our Sponsors & Exhibitors

Our Sponsors / Exhibitors

Thank you to our 2023 Annual Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors

Keynote Sponsor

Live Oak Bank






Welcome Reception Sponsor

Cocktail Reception Sponsor

Lunch Sponsor


Headshot Sponsor


Wi-Fi Sponsor

Workshop Sponsors                




                Clients IO


Cultivate Advisors
Brick & Mortar Legal
Bay Area Escrow
Fremont Bank
The Lease Coach
Contractors License Experts LLC

BBMS Media ("Marketing for Business Brokers")
FastStart Online Training
SV Consulting


2023 Annual Meeting - Hotel


Hilton Oakland Airport
One Hegenberger Road
Oakland, California, 94621

Group Rate: $154
(Limited space available call or click on the link ASAP to book
your room.) 

*Please note that the room rates will increase or may not be available
after August 31, 2023.

Book Your Room Here

HOTEL PARKING: Discounted daily parking is $15

Airport & Shuttle Information:
The hotel offers a complimentary shuttle service to and from Oakland International Airport. 
Shuttle Questions, please call +1 510-635-5000


About Oakland

2023 Annual Meeting - Oakland

About Oakland

Airport Information:

Oakland Airport 
       Ground Transportation

Activities in Oakland:

100 Things to Do in Oakland - Visit Oakland
33 Essential Experiences You Can't Miss in Oakland - Thrillist
26 Awesome Things to Do in Oakland, California - Practical Wanderlust