Workshop 2A - Fountain Room
Deals involving licensing (ABC and Contractor’s Licenses)
Sponsored By: ClientsIO
Steve Zimmerman, LCBB, CBI, M&AMI, FIBBA, Restaurant Realty Company
Jamie Cohen, Contractors License Experts LLC
Do you end up in deals that require special licenses? Learn how to deal with various state agencies and how it can impact your deal. Three brokers will each discuss the agencies they deal with the most and help you understand the costs, timelines, logistics, and companies you can hire to help you through the process. Suppose you’re involved with deals that involve alcohol licenses with the ABC and contractors licenses with the Contractors State Licensing Board (CSLB).
Workshop 2B - Pacific Room
Business Planning 101
Sponsored By: CIBC
Len Krick, MBA, CBI, M&AMI - President and Principal Broker at Sunbelt Business Brokers of Las Vegas, Inc.
Workshop 2C - California Room
Legito Tips & Tricks for Form Creation and Management
Sponsored By: GlenOaks Escrow
Tawnya Gilreath, JD, CM&AP, CExP, CBI, CABB Forms Committee Chair
LA Business Pros / eXp Commercial
Come learn how to get the most out of CABB’s newest member benefit, Legito. This software tool makes filling out CABB forms a breeze. No more inputting the same information into form after form. Now you can add information once and have it populate across any form you need in your transaction. Additionally, the tool allows you to input deal data into a template that populates your form to ensure you fill everything out correctly. Come ready to see the software in action and learn how it works, or to ask questions if you’ve already started using it and are having any complications.