Registration is closed for this event






Are you tired of spending countless hours creating and filling out CABB forms? Do you find yourself wishing for a faster and easier way to streamline your paperwork?

Well, imagine this: What if I told you there's a revolutionary solution that allows you to automatically populate seller information from your Representation Agreement directly into an Asset Purchase Agreement? It's time to say goodbye to manual data entry and hello to unparalleled efficiency!

Join Tawnya Gilreath, Chair of CABB's Forms Committee, as she unveils the highly anticipated Legito Automated CABB Forms system. This groundbreaking webinar will change the way you handle your forms forever.

During this exclusive event, she will guide you through a tour of this cutting-edge system, demonstrating how it can transform your workflow. You'll learn the ins and outs of logging in, creating new forms, and effortlessly editing them to perfection. But that's not all—imagine the convenience of sharing a form with your broker for approval or seamlessly sending it to a seller for completion. Legito Automated Forms makes it all possible.

But here's the real game-changer: You can now import data directly from your Representation Agreement into essential documents like the LOI, Purchase Agreement, and Entity Authorization Form with a single click of a button. Say goodbye to repetitive typing and hello to accuracy and speed!

Mark your calendars and reserve your spot for this extraordinary event. Join us for an eye-opening session that will revolutionize the way you handle CABB forms. Prepare your questions—Tawnya is here to answer them all and ensure you're equipped with everything you need to maximize your efficiency.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to propel your business forward. Register now and get ready to unlock a world of possibilities with Legito Automated CABB Forms. Your future self will thank you.

June 21, 2023, 12:00pm

June 21st, 2023 12:00 PM through  1:00 PM
United States
Office: 866-972-2220