Registration is closed for this event

Note: This course is part of the recertification requirements in order to renew your CBB designation. To view all the requirements, please visit

CABB 101 and CABB 201 are pre-requisites for CABB 501. Attendees are required to have at least 5 years of full-time Business Brokerage experience and currently practicing in the profession.

CABB is dedicated to providing the best education for business brokers and intermediaries and has developed a wide range of courses on various topics that will help you provide value to your clients and manage your practice. Our educational courses are developed and taught by subject matter experts who are also practitioners.

This 1-day, 6-hour course is a unique opportunity to participate in an open forum discussion with Veteran Business Brokers who do business in California. It reinforces the idea that CBB's are the true professionals in our field and that we can always learn from each other. Since all attendees are experienced CBB's we encourage all of you to come to the class prepared to participate so we can all benefit from the group’s experience. Veteran Business Brokers who have taken this class have commented on how valuable it was to interact with other professionals in our industry and to get updated on current, relevant issues in our profession.

CABB Advanced Business Brokerage Forum Summary

An open forum discussion with Business Broker veterans on topics such as:

  • Review and update on new brokerage tools, CRM’s, VDR’s, marketing, packaging, etc.
  • Securities licensing requirements in California for stock sales
  • Legal updates on important topics
  • Updates on CABB forms or suggestions on improving the forms or adding additional forms
  • Opinions of Value/MPSP’s, up-front fees or no cost?
  • PeerComps, Business Reference Guide, and other CABB or IBBA benefits
  • Agency Disclosure Statements – best practices
  • How to handle mandatory sick leave pay (3 days or 36 hours a year)
  • How to handle A/R, A/P, and working capital
  • “No Shop Clause” for Main Street, or how do you handle marketing once an offer is accepted –Do you take the business off the market? Will you accept other offers?
  • Dealing with difficult landlords – transferring leases
  • SBA financing – new 2018 guidelines and how have you structured certain terms when SBA is involved
  • Seller Finance – Pros and Cons. How do you handle this (buyer’s credit report, financial statement, note, PG, etc.)
  • Reducing liability for Business Brokers. What do you do to avoid being involved in a lawsuit?
  • Records Retention including e-mails – what is your firm’s policy?
  • How do you handle record exchanges with Due Diligence (DropBox, ShareFile, etc.)
  • Do you carry Worker’s Comp or E&O?

Open discussion by attendees on one or two of their hardest, or most interesting, or most complicated deal (successfully closed or not) for discussion among all. Be prepared to discuss the issues involved, and how they were remedied.

Course Requirements:

In order to participate in the virtual education course, all participants are required to:

  • Use a laptop with an embedded camera or a desktop computer with an attached webcam/speaker.
    • Attendees MUST show their video during course hours.
  • Attend and remain engaged throughout the entire duration (100%) of the course as your attendance will be tracked.


9:00am - 4:00pm | Thursday, December 5, 2024 (1 day)

Daily Schedule:
9:00 am – 10:30 am (1.5 hours)
10:30 am – 10:45 am (15 minute break) 
10:45 am – 12:00 pm (1 hour and 15 minutes)
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (1 hour lunch break) 
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (1 hour) 
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm (15 minute break) 
2:45 pm – 4:00 pm (1 hour and 15 minutes) 

Virtual Platform:
Zoom - the webinar information will be emailed out the day prior and the morning of the virtual education course.


Tony Moran


  • Member:  $149.00
  • Non-Member: $249.00

Refund Policy:
All education fees are non-refundable and must be used within 12 months of the date the payment was received. Any cancellation or no show less than 14 days prior to the course will be assessed an administrative fee of $35 to re-schedule the course at a later date. For more details on our refund policy CLICK HERE

December 5th, 2024 from  9:00 AM to  4:00 PM
Office: 866-972-2220
Event Fee(s)
CABB 501 Course Fee
Non-Member $249.00