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Best Practices When Working With Escrow
Please join us for a robust discussion on the best practices when working with Escrow and why being proactive can help keep your deal moving along smoothly. We always encourage new business brokers to join us to meet and network with other Sacramento area business brokers, bankers, and professionals.

Topics to include:

  • Why do we need entity docs

  • The order form

  • Allocation

  • Answer any questions that may come up

Speaker: Kathy Lazano, Certified Senior Escrow Officer

Kathy Lazano HeadshotKathy has been doing escrows for 50+ years.  She was the 2009 and 2015 Past President of the California Escrow Association and a proud member of the California Escrow Association, American Escrow Association, Alameda County Escrow Association, East Bay Escrow Association, and Sacramento Valley Escrow Association. Currently, Kathy works for Green Escrow. 



Pete's Restaurant and Brewhouse, Roseville - 11:30am, June 12, 2024
Attendees pay for their lunch.

June 12th, 2024 from 11:30 AM to  1:00 PM
3003 Douglas Blvd., CA 95661
United States
Chapter Meeting
Chapter Sacramento
Topic Best Practices When Working With Escrow
Speaker Summary
Location Host Pete's Restaurant and Brewhouse
Sponsor Logo
Sponsor URL
Sponsor Description of Services
Attendee Cost $0.00
Meeting Room Capacity 0