Name Linnea Westlake, CBI, CEPA, CM&AP, M&AMI, DRE (contact broker)
CompanyTransworld Business Advisors
Primary Address
1173 Los Corderos, San Marcos, CA 92078
Secondary Address
1173 Los Corderos, San Marcos, CA 92078
(925) 209-4592
Member Since: 2017
DRE Lic. #: 02028068

In today's economy there are more people looking to buy, sell or expand businesses than ever before. Baby boomers are retiring and want a nest egg and legacy. GenXrs are more than ready to expand horizons. Millenials are underwhelmed by their prospects as employees and hope to build their own future. 

I am devoted to facilitating your dreams - match making - with the support you need to buy, expand or sell businesses. With committed and passionate help, owners focus on growing and running the business in preparation for a healthy exit while confidentially marketing to qualified buyers. Buyers will have access to purchase opportunities, guidance and support that enables the best possible fit. Our transactions typically range from $200k to $35M but include M&A to $200M.

- Business Sales

- Exit Planning
- Franchise Development
- Commercial Real Estate
- Mergers & Acquistions

As a certified business broker (CBB), intermediary (CBI), exit planning professional (CEPA), M&A Professional (CM&AP), and M&A Master Intermediary (M&AMI)I am committed to enabling owners of privately held profitable businesses prepare for and achieve the most advantageous exit possible when they are ready to sell. Typically the entrepreneurs I work with have businesses generating revenues to $30M and come from virtually any industry including B:B service providers, hardware & software technology and services, construction trades, distribution and manufacturing, pet related industries and franchise re-sales. Maintaining confidentiality and effectively supporting the sellers engaged with my services and qualified buyers through every step of the process are priorities. Levering the robust Transworld Business Advisor network, an extensive database of qualified buyers, and interacting with trusted colleagues from California Association of Business Brokers, International Business Broker Association, Exit Planning Institute, M&A Source and ProVisors, extends your access to resources and the service provided.