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Certified Business Brokers (CBB)
 Display Only Certified Business Brokers ( What is a CBB? )
Broker Name Companysort descending Location Certified Business Broker
Byung Ahn Supra Properties International Sunnyvale, CA
Matt Cohen, MBA, CBB Synesis Advisors San Francisco, CA
Randy Katz, CFA Synesis Advisors
Jeremie Tavisola Tavisola & Associates, Inc Murrieta, CA
Rita Barbato, Certified Mergers & Acquisi... The A List Group, Inc. San Diego, CA
Shaman Ajmani The Coastal Agency Co. San Rafael, CA
Lisa Barr The CRE Advisors Escondido, CA
Bhagdeep Dhaliwal The Dhaliwal Group Pleasanton, CA
Ian Lashley The Lashley Group Ventura, CA
Kathryn GUTHRIE, CEPA, Certified Value Builde... The Liberty Group of Nevada Reno, NV, NV
Stewart Guthrie The Liberty Group of Nevada, Inc. Reno, NV
Andres Romagosa, MBA, Investment Banker The Romagosa Group West Hollywood, CA
Jean Paul Schwarz, AMPI, C.A.R., DRE 01915341 The Schwarz Group San Diego, CA
Michael Mahon, Broker The Titan Business Advisors, Inc Coto de Caza, CA
Donna Hollingsworth The Titan Business Advisors, Inc Dove Canyon, CA
Steve Barnett, CBB, CBI, CPA, MBA The Valley Business Broker Agoura Hills, CA
Ryan Clark, Certified Merger & Acquisitio... The Veld Group Irvine, CA
Tim Cunha, J.D. Timothy Cunha, Broker San Francisco, CA
Mani Singh, CBB, CBI, M&AMI. TNW Business Brokers Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Wasim Rahman, Bachelor Of Science TNW Business Brokers Inc. Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Terry Watts Top Hat Business Group Sacramento, CA
Janet Lawson Burr, DVM, MPVM Total Practice Solutions Group Half Moon Bay, CA
Bryant Hoover Transworld Busineess Advisors Redondo Beach, CA
Steven Hanson, MBA, CBI, CBB Transworld Busineess Advisors Carlsbad, CA
Moh Baugheri Transworld Busineess Advisors Irvine, CA
